Frequently Asked Questions

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There are some cases in which it’s good to postpone semi permanent make up treatment or even completely inadvisable on some subjects.

Your safety is our priority!
Before the actual treatment you will be asked to sign an informed consent. This document is essential; it protects both you and the professional.
In this informed consent it is explained exactly how the treatment will take place, what precautions you will need to take in the first week after treatment, and your personal and sensitive data will be collected. You will be asked to fill in a form where you will have to declare your allergies, the intake of medicines and the medical / aesthetic treatments you have recently undergone.

Being aware of a latex allergy will lead the practitioner to choose to use nitrile rather than latex gloves.
In case of severe allergies to heavy metals (for example nickel) it is inadvisable to carry out the treatment. The needles used with Biotek are made of surgical steel which, although it is a very pure alloy, contains a minimal amount of nickel and therefore could create an allergic reaction in patients with severe allergies to nickel.
Allergies to dyes, food allergies, allergies to dust or graminace, do not affect the permanent makeup, so you can proceed.

Taking medicines
Some medicines interact in terms of color rendering in the skin; for example, they can cause an eyebrow color to not maintain its original color, becoming particularly gray, thus causing an unpleasant result.
These medicines are: antibiotics, cortisone, eutirox, diabetes medicines taken at high levels. Many other medicines can interfere in this way, but with much more moderate changes in color and therefore easily corrected by the professional.
Other medicines interact with the duration of treatment; In these cases permanent makeup will remain for much less time inside the skin.
These drugs are: vessel dilators, accelerating metabolism supplements, hormones.
Taking medicines like the contraceptive pill does not affect permanent makeup, so it is possible to proceed.

Medical treatment in progress
If you are undergoing medical treatment, it is always preferable to wait for the conclusion of this period and obtain a written consent from the doctor authorizing the treatment of permanent make-up on the patient.
This category may include: chemotherapy, radiotherapy, intake of immune suppressants, cortisone treatments.

Beauty treatments
30 days is the time necessary for the skin to rebuild and heal completely, so it is always recommended to wait until the skin has healed completely before subjecting it to a subsequent operation on the same area.
If we talk about fillers, it is good practice to always wait 30 days after the last filler before undergoing a permanent makeup session and vice versa, or wait 30 days after the last permanent makeup session before making fillers in the same area.
The same rule also applies to botox and thread treatments.
For more invasive treatments, such as lasers or chemical peels or lifting, it is necessary to wait for 2 to 5 months.

If you still have any doubts, consult our specialized technician and find out immediately if you can carry out the treatment!

Biotek semi permanent make up is the best ever for quality – both in terms of results achieved and safety.

Biotek has been producing all of its products in Italy for 31 years, in accordance with the strictest European standards.
Over the years, as a small Italian company, Biotek has become the number one brand in the permanent world, proudly representing Italian excellence in the world.

Relying on a professional who uses only Biotek products means to be always safe!

Sure to receive a treatment in full compliance with hygiene standards, with CE certified equipment, a standard in Italy.
The entire Biotek production and training process is ISO 9001 certified.
Using a Biotek pigment means being able to choose from a range of over 160 shades. The medical operators licensed by Biotek have followed a special training and are getting closer to your phototype, so you will not face unpleasant color changes.
Furthermore, they are aromatic amines, synthetic resins, parabens, heavy metals free and not tested on animals.

The details make the difference and we strongly take care of details!

A well-made semi permanent makeup session should last between 2 and 3 hours on average.

This is the time needed to take care of yourself and realize the masterpiece you expect!

The consultancy phase can last between 30 and 60 minutes and is essential to inform the client about the real expectations about the treatment, understand your needs and try to achieve them in the best possible way.
Biotek certified professionals have studied for years to achieve that role and will make your dreams come true! Entrusted to their experience for the design of the treatment and the choice of the appropriate color.

The treatment itself will last a maximum 1.5 hours after which it will be repeated a second time after 30 days from the first session. This reinforcement session aims to stabilize and standardize the color, making it necessary to retouch the treatment only once a year.

The duration of permanent make up within the skin is different from person to person and is influenced by: age, metabolism, climate, geographical area, type of skin.

Enjoy the comfort of a perfect make-up, even just out of the shower!

Semi-permanent makeup is usually a very well tolerated procedure.

Pain perception is obviously totally subjective and therefore it is hard to specifically quantify it.

What is sure is that the delicate dexterity of the operator and the quality of the needles used contribute to making the treatment even more painless.

Low quality needles, not sharpened, create greater friction entering within the skin and leaving it, resulting in a sensation of pain. Biotek permanent makeup guarantees the highest quality and therefore the operator will only use needles designed to be non-invasive on the skin, effective but not painful!

As a consequence, even the post treatment redness will be minimal, allowing you to immediately return to your daily activities.

The eyebrow treatment, usually, is totally painless, indeed, even customers find it relaxing and after a few minutes fall asleep.

The eye treatment is slightly more annoying, usually the clients describe it not as a pain but as a nuisance; often comparable to the feeling of having a grain of sand in the eye.

The lip treatment is slightly more annoying, nothing that a woman can not withstand easily! Customers usually compare it to the pain of waxing or laser epilation.

We guarantee you perfect hygienic conditions, with disposable and sterile materials.

We guarantee only biocompatible, tested, safe, sterile, compliant to the rules and anallergenic pigments will be used.

Equipment used is conformed to sheet 23 and is provided by CE mark.

Needles are arranged in disposable hygienic modules, to guarantee maximum hygiene and practicality. They are gamma ray sterilized with a validated medical sterilization process.

The operator will make sure to open the needle she will use during the procedure right in front of you.